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Information on the use of cookies

This website uses cookies, that is, small text files that the sites visited by the user send to his terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone), where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites at the next visit of the same user. Cookies can be used for different purposes, including, for example, the execution of computer authentication, the monitoring of sessions, the storage of information on specific configurations concerning users who access the server and are generically classified into three categories: cookies technicians, profiling cookies , third-party cookies. According to the type, the law provides that, for their lawful use by the site operator, in some cases it is sufficient to simply provide information on their use, while in other cases, in addition to the information, it is necessary to obtain the relative consent from part of the user, as in the case of profiling cookies and third-party cookies. That said, in accordance with the provision of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data of 8/5/2014, Trafilplast Srl, with registered office in Osasio (Turin), via Peschiere 52, informs you, as owner of the data processing personal , that the site uses both technical cookies and third-party cookies.

Technical cookies

In particular, technical cookies are generally grouped into

  • navigation cookies, which guarantee the normal navigation and use of the website and that are necessary for the proper functioning of some areas of the site; these cookies are necessary for the operation of the site;

  • functional cookies, which are stored in the computer or other device and that, based on the user's request, record the choices of the same or keep track of the data provided by the user in filling out online forms of some pages, to provide a personalized navigation within the site. These cookies are not essential to the operation of the site, but improve the quality and experience of navigation;

  • analytical cookies, which collect information on how the user uses the website, such as which web pages are visited more often.

Some of the aforementioned technical cookies are called session cookies because they are removed immediately from the user's device at the end of the browsing session. Permanent cookies, however, have a longer duration and remain stored on the device until their expiration or cancellation by the user. For the use of technical cookies it is not necessary to request any consent.

The cookies used by this website are of two types:

Session cookies (transitional):
these cookies are deleted when you close your browser and do not collect information from your computer. They usually store information in the form of an identification session that does not identify you personally.

Persistent cookies (memorized / permanent):
these cookies are stored on your hard drive until expiry (eg based on the expiration date set) or until you delete them. These cookies are used to collect user identification information such as online browsing behavior or user preferences for a specific site.

Third-party cookies

Furthermore, this site also allows third-party cookies to be installed on the user's terminal, that is to say other companies that have concluded agreements with the owner of this site to install their own cookies on it. In this context, however, the owner of this site does not act as the owner of the processing of cookies of third parties, but as a simple technical intermediary between the user and third parties and, therefore, does not assume any responsibility for the use of cookies made by such third parties. On this site are present

  • Google Analytics cookies, which allow you to analyze statistics on visitors to the site and that help website owners understand how such visitors interact with their content, without personal identification of individual visitors by Google. In order to allow the user to express or deny their consent, which can also be changed at a later date, to the use of these cookies, here are the links to the Google site, opening which are accessed, in fact, to web pages containing the relative privacy rules and the methods for deactivating cookies

We inform you, however, that on this site the Google Analytics code has been integrated to make your IP address anonymous.

  • Google Maps cookies, which allow a user who has a Google account to be recognized (in this case in the map on the site will appear his icon) and knowing his preferences and the places saved in his user profile will allow some facilitation in the use of the map (for example, these cookies allow you to easily see the route from your own home to the place indicated on the map, where the company owning the site where the user is browsing is located).

For more information, see this page

The privacy policy of Google can be consulted from this other page



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User rights

At any time, you may exercise your right to access your personal data (to know the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data processed, the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the data are communicated and if they are resident in third countries , the data retention period), to request the correction, the cancellation - in the foreseen cases - the limitation of the treatment or to oppose their treatment, as well as the right to request data portability, addressing your request to the Data Controller, to the aforementioned address of the registered office or to the e-mail address The user can express his choices in relation to the use of cookies by this site also through the settings of the browser normally used for browsing the internet (among the main ones, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Crome, Safari, Opera). By changing your browser settings, you can accept or decline cookies. Here are some reference links to understand the procedure to disable cookies in the most commonly used browsers:






However, by completely disabling cookies in the browser the user may no longer be able to use all the interactive features of this site.

Finally, we have the duty to present you - as already indicated in the brief information on the home page - which, by closing the banner containing this brief information, scrolling the home page (scroll down) or clicking any element, you consent to use of cookies.

Trafil ® since 1992

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Via Peschiere, 52 Osasio (TO) Piemonte Italia

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© 2017 TRAFILPLAST srl  |  Registered office: Via Trieste 6, Carignano Postal Code: 10041

Share capital: € 10,000,000  |  Register number of companies: TO- 780455 | Fiscal Code: 06364180015  |  VAT 06364180015

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